The Salon II

Monday, March 20, 2006

Nobody Should Die Because of Sex

SPIEGEL ONLINE | EU vs. US: "Nobody Should Die Because of Sex"

"For World AIDS Day on Thursday, the European Union released a statement that was seemingly critical of US efforts to combat the deadly disease. Too much moralizing and not enough condoms seemed to be the message. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke with Robin Gorna, head of the UK's Global AIDS Policy Team, about how realistic abstinence is, whether the US is helping or hurting, and how close we are to an AIDS cure."
I have said this from times immemorial, but no one listens to me. Well with the whole having a fairly conservative Christian country, the DRC, it is the kind of concepts that are very difficult to convey without appearing to be condoning depravity. But the fact of the matter is, in Congo, is that many fathers who would be reprimanding their 18 year-old about their promiscuity, also have 2 or 3 mistresses in other zip codes. And that attitude of do as I say, and not as I do, is something I have found in many communities here in the United States too. I have recently discovered that much of the puritanism is fairly hypocritical, except when it comes to homosexuality, the only subject on which they seem to grow a "Christian conscience". A humorist once said that White conservative women in the US are against abortion, until their daughter is pregnant of a black boyfriend. Then, I took it like just a funny joke. But it seems closer to the truth than I ever thought. Regardless, this business of promoting abstinence is not realistic, dangerous, and I would even say criminal. Call me crazy if you wish, but in my opinion, it is just as criminal not to yell fire in a movie theater when there is a fire, than it is to do so when there is not fire.

Still wondering...


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